Monday 1 July 2013

Counting the days

I feel very humbled and also affirmed by the comments after yesterday's service. They like me! But more importantly I feel a great sense of being just where God wants me to be at this time, and really feel that He is using me. On a practical level only ten days till my ordination and I feel a great desire to withdraw and " be still" before God. This is unlikely to happen as I'm doing pastoral cover for two two neighbouring parishes as well as my own and already have three funerals, and its only Monday! Also had a look at the baptismal font yesterday. I'm only 4foot 11. The font is a lot 4 and a half feet tall, its set on a plinth (about a foot high) I'm slightly panicking, will have to investigate further on Thursday before funeral as I have first baptism four days after ordination!


  1. 4'6" is a fairly large font, even for someone my height. Is it meant to be on the floor below the dais so you end up standing above it? Is the plinth part optional?

    The best font anywhere is Salisbury Cathedral. Although it's possible to get your feet wet if you stand in the wrong place.

    1. Hey. Spot, am going to check it out on Frday when ive a funeral. To further complicate things, there's a wooden rail round that corner of the chancel! Suppose I could lean over and dip the child in in the style of Luther! Wishi knew how' to post a pic!
