Tuesday 18 December 2012


As I look back to probably one of the darkest periods of my life this time last year, I can't but marvel at how God has  brought me through a year when I've gone from the lowest point to the highest and then somewhere in between. There were times last year when I railed at God, why when I was so sure of His will had He let me down and sent me into the wilderness. Only now do I realise how much I learned during that journey, when everything was taken away there was no where to go but up. I still remember the turning point  when God again affirmed my calling and I can honestly say I did grow and learn that even though the path isn't always straight, God is always on it with us. Just thinking about the past  year now, the times when I was so conscious of Gods presence as I sat by David's bedside   He was almost palpable, and looking back at the privilege of sharing that final journey with him holding his hand as he passed from here to eternity. I can look back now and see that God was right there with us in the room,  it's funny how at the time so many other things distract you but it's only now as I'm rambling on I appreciate just how close I was to the presence of God that  week.  As someone who finds it hard to sit still for a minute and  runs ten miles a day, that was a period of solitude with God, and made me realis, as I did, in fact, read Henre Nouwens book Out of Solitude at that time, how much we need  to spend time in Gods presence, in quietness. I don't know why I'm rambling on this morning, it wasn't intentional just that God reminded me as I took five minutes break, where I was this time last year. So thank you God that you never change and never leave us. And thank you for those you send to journey with us.

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