Tuesday, 23 July 2013

I am a woman!

Today I embarked on some Parish visitation at request of elder ( wearing my clerical collar as I was visiting elderly house bounds) at the first visit I was greeted by very elderly lady with zimmer who exclaimed on opening the door to me, ( my god yer a wumman!)in other words goodness gracious me you are a female ( for the benefit of the non Scots ) she invited me in, talked non stop, stated in no uncertain terms that she didn't hold with women ministers ( or doctors) refused my offer of a prayer, thanked me for coming told me to come agin as she enjoyed the chat! I crossed the road feeling somewhat bamboozled to visit another elderly lady, and the experience couldn't have been more different. Her daughter who happened to be there opened the door and exclaimed " oh she will be so pleased to see you" and she was. We had a blether and a prayer, and I promised to call again!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Happy birthday RevGalBlogPals

Determined as I was to give birth before my thirtieth. My daughter andi only have four days between our birthdays and the whole week seems to be a ause for celebration and at some point in the week we have spa break. Some girl chillin time, lots of wine good food great company. It just so happens this is next week:)
For RevGals of which I've been a member for just a short time my wish would be to meet up for friendship fellowship girl chillin time

Monday, 15 July 2013

First Baptism

First baptism accomplished and no damage! I had a wonderful welcome to church on Sunday, my first as an ordained minister and wearing my collar with pride if somewhat self consciously! The congregation surprised we with a congratulatory beautiful bouquet of flowers and some very kind words. My daughter came along to lend some moral support and after the service commented on how much she enjoyed it and how confident I seemed during the baptism ( I was really nervous!) but the family were lovely and the baby was a wee star. Sitting in the vestry beforehand I was overwhelmed by a feeling of  complete and utter joy and also thankfulness that God doesn't call the enabled he enables the called and He has been with me every step if the way. This congregation I'm locumming for apparently would like me as their minister ( very encouraging for me but sadly not possible) but I know that at the moment I'm in the place God wants me to be and He's put me there for a reason.  Lucy the dogs Dad asked me if I felt different now and I think I do but whole lot of reflecting needs to be done on last week when I come down to earth again. As well as my excitement the other ministering the house celebrated his 25th anniversary of ordination on Friday so we have been inundated with flowers cake and alcohol! Looking at the photo on the front of his order of service from 25 years ago its apparent theres some two thirds of him that haven't been ordained! He's certainly three times the man he was then!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


Am truly humbled by tonight, I simply can't believe how God has empowered me, enabled, sustained me and upheld me and tonight I have been quite simply blessed, blessed by thoe who have accompanied me and blessed by those who have joined me on this momentous journey. Through thick and thin. I am awestruck to everyone who made this day so vey special? Thank you

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

On the brink

I've felt strangely detached and a bit emotional today, as I stand on the brink of ordination. Conscious of the responsibility of God's  call on my life and that even though I'll still be the same person tomorrow night. I will be different and always looked upon as different, called and set apart to stand in the place of Christ. Will I feel different I wonder. This has been a long day, and I've reflected quite a bit on the path that led here. The ups and downs, those who shared so much of my journey and who are no longer here. It's been strange too receiving letters and cards addressed to "Rev" cos now there are two of us! The one constant and faithful companion who has been before me behind me, above me, below me and beside, still upholds encourages, strengthens and empowers me. Thank you Lord.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Two sleeps

Very busy week last week culminating in swapping pulpits with my interim moderator because here was a baptism where I'm locum. He must have the most scenic picturesque parish on Scotland especially yesterday, driving along the coast with the sun out . The congregations were lovely ( though no one told me there was a radio mike at the first church and the  woman on Bilble carrying in duty ws less than welcoming. After second service the interim modertor turned up on his way home to see how the innovative cup of tea tht was threatening to divide thechurch! (Don't ask)! And he told me they ant me as their minister where I'm locum ing which is very affirming for me though sadly not possible! Discovered after service there were at least three other ministers in the. Ongregation and a couple of them shred they  felt the message was very relevant to their situations at the minute which I was reall encourage by, so two sleeps I feel quite calm at the moment but my ma arrives on Wednesday ...... .. Not good ........

Friday, 5 July 2013

Long day

Been a long day with two funerals one this morning and a huge one this afternoon. Must admit when I walked out to face more thn 500 people I nearly got stage fright! But then I sensed God right beside me saying this is what I called you to and immediately I felt at peace. Have had so many positive comments  from people who were there and feel really blessed.  Also got sorted with baptismal font. My lovely church officer is having moved from the plinth onto the floor so not need to worry about me being vertically challenged just need to worry about the liturgy!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Interim moderator

Had a meeting with my interim moderator this morning who confirmed that my present congregation are thrilled to have me (as I am to be with them) we discussed the complication of everyone knowing who you are  and chatting away as if you should know them and ow awkward it could sometimes be, but it does get easier as you see the same people week y week! Then just happened to bump into a parishioner in the supermarket who rushed across to say how well may sermons are going down and also as a parting remark its been noticed I have a tattoo on my ankle ( o my). Busy busy week with three funerals one tomorrow two on Friday and all the preparation not to mention Sundays service but hey I've an ordination next week I am walking on air! Those who Walton the Alford shall renew their strength they shall  rise on wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint! ( must admit though I am a bit tired!)

Monday, 1 July 2013

Counting the days

I feel very humbled and also affirmed by the comments after yesterday's service. They like me! But more importantly I feel a great sense of being just where God wants me to be at this time, and really feel that He is using me. On a practical level only ten days till my ordination and I feel a great desire to withdraw and " be still" before God. This is unlikely to happen as I'm doing pastoral cover for two two neighbouring parishes as well as my own and already have three funerals, and its only Monday! Also had a look at the baptismal font yesterday. I'm only 4foot 11. The font is a lot 4 and a half feet tall, its set on a plinth (about a foot high) I'm slightly panicking, will have to investigate further on Thursday before funeral as I have first baptism four days after ordination!