Monday, 30 April 2012

Awake and worrying

Beem awake since 4.45 hope I'm not going to do this all week, but as the date of assessment approaches the butterflies are taking up residence! Lying in bed going over my call in my head thinking about all the ways over the years God has brought me to this point of knowing that He's calling me to this. At the same time I'm thinking " me Lord" wow how can this be. So hopefully over the next week I'll get some sleep. Im lying meditating on the scripture Thou shall keep him in perfect peace who's mind is stayed on Thee" and while I don't not have peace about it I've definitely got the nerves! I'm as prepared as I can be and can only hope the assessors see beyond the nerves to the passion and conviction behind what I truly believe is Gods calling.

Blonde or brunette!

So there I am preaching from my heart. A. Message I feel That God has given me thinking the congregation are hanging on my every word, what's the comment that I remember at the door? From all the positive comments about the sermon the comment I remember is the undertaker ( hes a member) saying youve changed your hair, I preferred you as a blonde! So now I have a dilemma are the congregation distracted by my hair, should I cover it or is that a bit extreme and Pentecostal for C of S , butisn't t a shame that that one comment overshadowed all the positive remarks made by people who were genuinely touched by Gods word, it's just a fact that if you're in any form of ministry your fair game for people to comment on your appearance, your clothes and you just have to smile. Hey ho wonder if that's how stars feel when the press slate them on the red carpet. Hopefully though if they feel they know me well enough to be " honest" they'll also trust me enough to believe what I say. Even more bizarre I visited a lady in the last stages of cancer who opened her eyes as I walked in to her room and said you've dyed your hair, maybe a head covering isn't such a bad idea

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Cardinal Keith OBrien

Preached on Daniel 1 this morning, about having the courage of your convictions and not giving into peer group pressure. We need to stand up or what we believe and get some credibility back instead of watering down our faith to suit work environment, social standing or anything else we feel we have to " conform" to we may not all want to wear crosses. It little by little we're giving into pressure to compromise our beliefs our principles and our faith. Thank goodness for men like Cardinal O Brien who have the courage of their convictions a true Daniel spirit lets all be more like them! Dare to be a Daniel!

Friday, 27 April 2012


Had a school assembly ( whole school p 1-7 ) really felt I should speak about Daniel, standing for his convictions how to project that tp 5-12 year olds. Turns out theres been a couple of approaches to youngsters by a man/ men in cars so head teacher gave talk about stranger danger and resisting adults. The wee ones were full of attention older kids probably thought it was above them then I talked about Daniel standing firm against the king relating it to Face book/ Internet twitter etc. and how older kids have to be aware of the danger posed by strangers there and stand for firm for what they know to be right! As usual God gave a word in season, it's sooo encouraging when that happens I really felt it was inspired by God, times flying past with just over a week till A day, hope I'm prepared butterflies taking up residence already!

Thursday, 26 April 2012

In the community

Had a lovely time this morning, bumped into one of our young families with their toddler and 6 day old baby
I was with the octogenarian Eliot the young dad was so nice he chatted away to the octogenarian plying him with questions about the area the octo was of course in his element, a little thing but an old man was made to feel interesting. ( and he is) knowing what he does about the local community and the changes over the years that've taken place ( though offering him a cuddle of the baby was out of the comfort zone!) Jesus made everyone feel valued and special so thanks Eliot for being genuinely interested and making an old mans day and mine too!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

A road well travelled

In unravelling my " call" yesterday I came to realise that it goes way back probably to my initial call to Bible College of course at that time I'd have been overwhelmed by such a calling and no where ready to trust God and go for it but the seed was sown and now ready to burst into fruition ( I hope!) reflecting on life changes over the years I'm now on the perfect lace to respond to God fully I now realise and this time of waiting especially recently has mad me look at my faith in a deeper and more reflective way, considering each day how God has spoken to me, opened the scriptures, confirmed He's there rooting for me, have prepared hopefully, and am ready, pressing question now is what to wear, it's all day so you want to be comfortable but at the same time as if you mean business, so major problem here. There's now also so. Much going on on my head I wake in the night with so many thoughts eek, countdown time indeed.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

People pleaser

Had a great meeting this morning just talking through issues relating to my assessment, one interesting point that came up is "
Am I a people pleaser" could be that I am. I need to be more assertive and like Daniel be a God pleaser
Daniel was just a teenager, yet he stood up for his values and didn't compromise in the slightest and most importantly he did it with grace, we're representing God here we don't need to be backed into a corner and " go with the flow" just because we're Christians, we can still lead from the front and bring Godly wisdom and grace into the situation. Felt affirmed and encouraged in a way I haven't for a long time, just need to keep working to address the areas of weakness (tendency to digress etc) and keep focused on the journey and Gods hand on my life. Closing doors opening them, leading me into new things. Scary stuff! But I know He's been with me I can see his hand on my life so I pray all will be well.

Monday, 23 April 2012


Had to think about something I'm passionate about to do my topical discussion on, boy have I struggled with that, am I boring am I odd, ( no need for an answe!)but I find myself struggling to think of anything I'm "passionate" about, this makes. ME worry but when I read Beachblessers blog it was like. Reading about ME. Phew I'm not alone and like her I've always been passionate about my faith so maybe too my call to ministry of word and sacrament is confirmation of that inner passion. I am passionate about what I do in Gods name and passionate about sharing the Gospel and hopefully living out my life as a follower of Jesus so. What am I passionate about. My ministry yay!

Friday, 20 April 2012

Title submitted

Finally submitted title for discussion topic, worrying now it's the wrong thing to all about
O well too late and I think I'd think that about anything. I'm still ploughing my way through the recommended reading list some are inspirational. Peter Neilsons book church on the move, superseded by church without walls and now emerging church, interesting to see eleven years later what changes have still to be made, things definitely move on a different timescale in the church! Me and owner of Lucy the dog didn't see eye to eye on subject for discussion topic
But nothing new there, feel prepared in a way I didnt before, almost as if God is showing me a new thing. On count down now. Circuit training last night left me worried at the violence unleashed by my daughter on the punching exercises realised the last time I felt like that!!!!

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Bruised not broken

Was just looking back reflecting on earlier blogs whe I read thecfirstone about being bruised etc I had just before that read isaiah 42 1-4 some may say that's coincidental buti believe God knows I need a word of encouragement and that just how I felt. Thank you Lord!

Monday, 16 April 2012

A road well tarvelled

In unravelling my " call" yesterday I came to realise that it goes way back probably to my initial call to Bible College of course at that time I'd have been overwhelmed by such a calling and no where ready to trust God and go for it but the seed was sown and now ready to burst into fruition ( I hope!) reflecting on life changes over the years I'm now on the perfect lace to respond to God fully I now realise and this time of waiting especially recently has mad me look at my faith in a deeper and more reflective way, considering each day how God has spoken to me, opened the scriptures, confirmed He's there rooting for me, have prepared hopefully, and am ready, pressing question now is what to wear, it's all day so you want to be comfortable but at the same time as if you mean business, so major problem here. There's now also so. Much going on on my head I wake in the night with so many thoughts eek, countdown time indeed.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Emmaus road

Was thought provoked this morning on the emmaus rad ( not literally) do we recognise God in our lives caling us to see him and share his love was directed again! To Samuel 3 God calling Samuel to speak to Eli and Samuels faithfulness in passing Auds word on in spite of having to move out of his comfort zone, in a big way. I often wake in the night and think about what God s saying to me. I'm sooo comfy where I am, is Gd calling me out of my comfort zone... Something I must be aware of if so help metro faithful and say here I am Lord send me, scary!

Friday, 13 April 2012

God speaks in the strangest places

Had a great meeting this morning just talking through issues relating to my assessment, one interesting point that came up is "
Am I a people pleaser" could be that I am. I need to be more assertive and like Daniel be a God pleaser
Daniel was just a teenager, yet he stood up for his values and didn't compromise in the slightest and most importantly he did it with grace, we're representing God here we don't need to be backed into a corner and " go with the flow" just because we're Christians, we can still lead from the front and bring Godly wisdom and grace into the situation. Felt affirmed and encouraged in a way I haven't for a long time, just need to keep working to address the areas of weakness (tendency to digress etc) and keep focused on the journey and Gods hand on my life. Closing doors opening them, leading me into new things. Scary stuff! But I know He's been with me I can see his hand on my life so I pray all will be well.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Keeping the "temple" healthy

We're told our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we certainly seem to be trying to keep our temples healthy.
I'm just in from circuit training led by one of our members whe was a trainer in the army loads of our congregation take part
, it's a brilliant witness in our community bringing Christians and non Christians together in fact I think we may be in the majority! I've been reading Peter Neilsens book, A Church on the move, it talks about taking Christ out to the people, it seems that's what we're doing without even thinking about it and there's no wimping out we're all in competitive mode. Be sore tomorrow though!

Monday, 9 April 2012

Clarinda's journey:

Clarinda's journey:
God seems to be directing me towards inclusiveness, reading Desmond Tutus book underlines the meaning of the Gospel of Christ an His ministry to the marginalised, the outcast, how are we as a church reaching out to them

All in Gods time