Saturday, 12 January 2013

Interim review

Still struggling with interim review  report but think I'm almost there. family dynamics have changed this week. My babas left home yesterday to take up residence in  her new house prior to the wedding in Seven weeks time eek. It's. funny how you bring your children up to be independent, encourage them to stand on their own two feet, then when they do it you feel bereft. As mums and daughters go we. Are extremely close and I'm very lucky that we get on so well.
As I reflected   for my review and looked back on my journal from the time when my Old Man was dying, I realise just how Close God was to me in that. It was. A. Very special time and its only with the wisdom of hind sight that I can appreciate how present He was with me and what a privilege and honour it was to have that time with  my. Dearest Friend strengthened and sustained by a strength way beyond anything I have on my own. On my own personal journey since then  I've been encouraged and affirmed and further sustained by God. Even tonight as I looked over Isaiah chapter 43 I KNOW that those words are true because God has been faithful.
Now I'm kind of worried because I've just eaten two puppy treats instead of crisps and I've just read the label!! Goodnight, grrr


  1. "I've just eaten two puppy treats"

    Ah, well, despite the labels, pet food has to be fit for human consumption. In fact, it is humans who test most pet food before it goes to the animals for final testing.

    Now, bonios, they're actually quite nice. A bit like a sugarless digestive...

    1. Now I know why the ordained wear "dog collars":)))

  2. Gravy bones. Now that is the best pub snack ever. They go great with real ale. Beefy, slightly salty with a dense consistency. Mmmmmm.

    1. Now I know why the ordained wear "dog collars"))))

  3. Now I know why the ordained wear " dog collars" :))
